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Hi,we are on day 7 of Windows Phone Developer Camp.In this lesson we wil explain Application Bar enables to users with quick Access to an application’s most common functionality.
The default application bar is a row of icons buttons and opens with an ellipsiss icon maybe if has only application bar buttons or only appllication bar menü iten sor both of them.The menü items are used for application actions that are less frequently used or actions that are difficult to determine with only an icon.

There are two ways to add an application bar to your Project first:Using XAML,second:Only use code behind.In new SDK Applicaiton bar comes with a sample code which is commented out on the page templates using only C# or VB code.

Another significant thing is modify the Application Bar Buttons’ icons.You can easly change your application bar buttons’ icons giving your icons pngs’ relative path to Applicaition bar button IconUri.

Here is source codes: download codes

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